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Mike Herrera

Web engineer, cyclist. More metal than your momma's kettle.

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I maintain a ruby gem that was without a database migration generator for far too long. This is a walkthrough on how I TDD‘d a generator to create its database migration generator.

Our end goal is to create the database migration install action for rails generate double_double:install

What’s a migration generator?

A migration generator is the composition of ActiveRecord migrations within Rails generators. They are commonly found in Rails engines and plugins.

Rails generators are convenience scripts. Most frequently generators are used to create or insert boilerplate code into an application.

# An example Rails generator that will
# generate a new UsersController
$ rails generate controller User

ActiveRecord migrations are Ruby classes that define a version of the application’s database. Where each additional database migration only defines how to incrementally modify the database from the previous version.

# Example database migrations to add a column to an existing model
$ rails generate migration add_email_to_users email:string

Now if we were to combine both of these concepts we arrive at migration generators. Which are generators that are capable of creating database migrations.

# Devise will create a database migration for the Users table
$ rails generate devise User

# Creates a database migration to support my
# double-entry accounting gem
$ rails generate double_double:install

TDD approach

For the purpose of this generator, I am most concerned that the database migration template is copied into the expected location.

We could further inspect the generated migration for its specific content, but that’s approaching overkill. As other tests utilize the database, those tests will certainly fail loudly if there is a problem with our migration.

To assist in our tests we will be using the generator_spec gem. Let’s add it to our .gemspec. Bundle install.

# double_double.gemspec

Gem::Specification.new do |gem|
  # ...
  gem.add_development_dependency 'generator_spec'

Our test

The skeleton of our Rspec spec:

# spec/lib/generators/double_double/install/install_generator_spec.rb

require "generator_spec"

module DoubleDouble
  module Generators
    describe InstallGenerator, :type => :generator do

      root_dir = File.expand_path("../../../../../../tmp", __FILE__)
      destination root_dir

      before :all do

Our most significant decision so far was deciding where to temporarily store the generated files and directories. The tmp directory is an obvious choice.

Let’s continue and add our test case.

# spec/lib/generators/double_double/install/install_generator_spec.rb

require "generator_spec"

module DoubleDouble
  module Generators
    describe InstallGenerator, :type => :generator do

      root_dir = File.expand_path("../../../../../../tmp", __FILE__)
      destination root_dir

      before :all do

      it "creates the installation db migration" do
        migration_file = 

        assert_file migration_file[0], 
          /class CreateDoubleDouble < ActiveRecord::Migration/

Now we have a test to code against. This test will assert:

  • That the migration exists
  • That some text in the migration is the classname that we expect

Production code

Fast-forward some TDD and a few cups of coffee…

We wrote a proper database migration template.

# lib/generators/double_double/install/templates/create_double_double.rb

class CreateDoubleDouble < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def change
    # ...

And to finish the task we added the actual Rails generator.

# lib/generators/double_double/install/install_generator.rb

require 'rails/generators'
require 'rails/generators/migration'

module DoubleDouble
  module Generators
    class InstallGenerator < ::Rails::Generators::Base
      include Rails::Generators::Migration
      source_root File.expand_path('../templates', __FILE__)
      desc "Add the migrations for DoubleDouble"

      def self.next_migration_number(path)
        next_migration_number = current_migration_number(path) + 1

      def copy_migrations
        migration_template "create_double_double.rb",

You may be asking: What’s the class method next_migration_number?

It determines the date and time string that will be prepended on the migration filename. I found that exact method implementation in Rails, itself.